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TROX Care / Bedrift

Sustainability is "in": Countless companies boast about their sustainable actions and are constantly launching new sustainability labels on the market - from equity funds to food to holiday trips. Sustainability has become an important image factor and is well received. But unfortunately, the term has also become very worn out in the meantime.

This could be easily changed, because sustainability is an essential element in securing the future and thus clearly more than "just" an image factor!

For this reason, TROX has developed a correspondingly far-sighted sustainability strategy. The core of this strategy is to achieve climate neutrality by 2040 - and since this can only be achieved by taking many small steps, interim targets have been defined which must of course also be achieved.

What these are in detail can be found in the fourth sustainability report of the TROX GROUP, which is based among other things on the internationally recognised standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).

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