
Høy produktkvalitet er et resultat av høy produksjonskvalitet.

Den høye kvaliteten i utviklingen, bruker vi også i produksjonen. Moderne produksjonsutstyr og kompetente medarbeidere sikrer god produksjonskvalitet og korte leveringstider - rundt om i verden og uavhengig av selve produksjonsstedet.


The TROX production system

Companies that want to fulfil customer requirements with regard to success criteria such as cost, quality, and delivery reliability need to implement an efficient production system. Such a system includes elements of the KAIZEN philosophy, which are required as a basis for all further optimisation activities, and a number of improvement tools that can be used depending on the respective situation. The TROX production system is intended to help all TROX GROUP production plants align their structures and their organisation in such a way that a company culture of continuous improvement is achieved. 


The highest manufacturing quality with the most advanced manufacturing technology

TROX production excels because of advanced high-tech equipment. Our machinery fulfils the highest quality demands, both our own and those of our customers.
It allows us to develop solutions that are of outstanding quality and at the same time energy-efficient. To achieve our ambitious quality goals, we closely cooperate with suppliers to jointly develop and configure dedicated equipment that meets the requirements for our products and the requirements of our customers.

The interests of our employees with regard to qualification, work safety, ergonomics and easy maintenance are kept in mind from the earliest planning stage.


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