The ICB in figures

Building floor area: 869 m²
Dimensions: 14.3 m x 60.8 m
Building height: 11.62 m
Capacity:10,102 m
Fire test laboratory area: 654 m²
Total useful floor area of technical, exhibition and seminar rooms: 1,074 m²
Flue: height 16 m, diameter 1.60 m

Research for improved safety

The heart of the International Center for Fire Protection is a furnace measuring 4 x 5 x 5 metres, which is big enough to test even the largest tunnel dampers that are used for extracting smoke from tunnels or from an underground metro or railway station.

In Europe's most modern fire protection laboratory, TROX conducts fire testing primarily for fire protection classification of building products for ventilation and air conditioning in accordance with national and international standards.

Furthermore, scientific experiments can be conducted to investigate specific fire protection problems outside the requirements of standards. The technical instrumentation in the Fire Protection Center is also suitable for expert testing and reporting.

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