DRS for commissioning

  • Manual, or with damper actuator

  • Graded and lockable commissioning solution

  • Air permeability class 0 and C, EN 1751 compliant

  • Damper position indication

DRS-T for shut-off

  • Manual, or with damper actuator

  • Air permeability class 4 and C, EN 1751 compliant

  • Damper position indication


DRS Ø100 – Ø630 is a manual commissioning damper, at dim. 100 – 315 actuator type CM can be mounted. DRS-M Ø400 – Ø 630 is an actuator-controlled commissioning damper.

DRS and DRS-M satisfy the EN 1751 requirements for air permeability class 0 and C. DRS-T Ø100 – Ø 630 is a manual commissioning and shut-off damper. DRS-T-M Ø100 – Ø 630 is an actuator-controlled

commissioning and shut-off damper. DRS-T and DRS-T-M (M = actuator bracket) satisfy the EN 1751 requirements for air permeability class 4 and C. The damper’s operating temperature is max. 100°C.


DRS and DRS-T are supplied with graduated scale and lockable commissioning solution. DRS-M and DRS-T-M are equipped with actuator bracket, and the dampers are available with actuator mounted.

On the DRS Ø100 – Ø315 (fig. 1), provisions have been made for subsequent installation of Belimo CM actuators. On DRS 400 - 630 and on DRS-T 100 - 630 actuator can be retrofitted.

You must use a retrofit kit, EMK. EMK-F is used together with LF- and SF actuators. Video showing the assembly, is available on our web. site: www.trox.no

DRS-T 100-630 has round shaft Ø12mm

DRS-M/TM 100-315 has square shaft 8x8mm

DRS-M/TM 400-630 has round shaft Ø12mm                                                                                                                                                                                                                   


DRS Ø100 – Ø315 has galvanised steel casing, bracket and scale, whereas the damper, support and commissioning solution come in a plastic design.

DRS Ø400 – Ø630 features a casing, damper, shaft, bracket and scale in galvanised steel. Support and spacer are in a plastic design.

DRS-M Ø400 – Ø630 has galvanised steel casing, damper, shaft and actuator bracket, whereas the support come in a plastic design.

DRS-T has galvanised steel casing, damper, bracket and scale. The damper blade is fitted with rubber gasket, and the supports are in a plastic design.

DRS-T-M has galvanised steel casing, damper, actuator bracket and shaft. The damper blade is fitted with rubber gasket, and the supports are in a plastic design.

All damper types are equipped with EPDM rubber gasket.



For noise reduction, straight ducting (min. ØDx2) prior to the damper is advisable.

Damper shaft positioning should be as shown in fig.3 and in accordance with bend and consequent change of direction. When installing DRS-M and DRS-T-M, a service clearance as illustrated in fig. 4 is recommended.

Fig. 3, Installation

Technical information





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