
Circular spigot with lip seal


Internal measuring tube to sample particles for measurement


Test groove, detail


Pressure measurement point, detail

Tested to VDI 6022

Conforms to VDI 6022



For critical air cleanliness and critical hygiene requirements, suitable for ceiling installation

Particulate filter modules for ceilings as a final filter stage with Mini Pleat filter panels for the separation of suspended particles. Use in laboratories, medical areas, or production rooms in the pharmaceutical and food industries.

  • Individual casings can be combined modularly to form ceiling tiles
  • Easy, time-saving, and secure filter change due to special press-in frame
  • For mounting filters with flat or fluid seal
  • With sealing integrity test facility for filter elements
  • Integrated differential pressure measuring points
  • Internal measuring tube to sample particles for measurement
  • Spigot with lip seal
  • Flexible suspension
  • For air cleanliness classes 5 to 8 according to ISO 14644-1
  • Meets the hygiene requirements of VDI 6022
  • Leakage classes: L1 according to DIN EN 1886 and D according to DIN EN 15727



  • Particulate filter module type TFM for ceiling installation as a final filter stage and for air distribution in clean room technology
  • Fitting of filter elements for the separation of suspended particles such as aerosols, toxic dusts, viruses and bacteria from the supply or extract air.


  • Hygiene-conformity according to VDI 6022
  • Leakage classes: L1 according to DIN EN 1886 and D according to DIN EN 15727

Nominal sizes

  • B × L [mm]


Useful additions

  • Mini Pleat filter panels with flat seal or fluid seal
  • Suitable filter elements to be ordered separately
  • Assembly kit for screw connection of single casings to ceiling tiles

Special characteristics

  • Single casings can be flexibly combined into ceiling tiles
  • Inclusion of filters with flat or fluid seals
  • High operational reliability due to sealing integrity test facility
  • Compact construction with internal measuring units
  • Spigot with lip seal▪Easy assembly due to flexible suspension

Construction features

  • Pre-drilled connection points for easy assembly of several modules one below the other
  • Special test groove enables filters with flat or fluid seals to be fitted
  • Clamping mechanism with 2 or 4 fixing points for filter elements (depending on size)
  • Integrated test device for checking the tightness of the filter
  • Pressure measurement points to monitor the differential operating pressure
  • Internal measuring tube to sample particles for measurement
  • Spigot circular (arrangement at the top)

Materials and surfaces
  • Casing made of sheet steel, powder-coated RAL 9010 (pure white)
  • Diffuser face plate made of perforated sheet metal with perimeter return edge, powder-coated RAL 9010 (pure white)
  • Optional stainless steel construction

Installation and commissioning

  • Variable suspension
  • The filter element is mounted by using a clamping mechanismwith 2 or 4 fixing points for filter elements (depending on size)
  • Air terminal device with 4-point fixing

Standards and guidelines
  • Hygiene meets the requirements of VDI 6022, VDI 3803,DIN 1946 Part 4, ÖNORM H 6021 and ÖNORM H 6020,SWKI VA 104-01 and SWKI 99-3, and EN 16798
  • Leakage classes: DIN EN 1886, DIN EN 1572

  • Easy removal of the air terminal device for filter change anddecontamination

Teknisk informasjon



Specification text
Particulate filter modules type TFM for ceiling installation as afinal filter stage and for air distribution in clean room technology.Individual casings with pre-drilled joints can be combined to formmodular ceiling tiles. Fitting of filter elements for the separationof suspended particles such as aerosols, toxic dusts, viruses andbacteria from the supply or extract air. Casing with connectionfrom above through spigot with lip seal. Flexible suspension withvariable mounting points.Particulate filter module with special clamping mechanism with 2fixing points for dimensions 600 × 600 or 4 fixing points fordimensions 600 × 900 and 600 × 1200. The TFM casings aresuitable for mounting filters with flat or fluid seals. Casing withintegrated sealing seat testing facility; measuring tube inside forsampling for particle measurement; pressure measurementpoints for monitoring the operating pressure difference. Diffuserface plate made of perforated sheet metal with perimeter returnedge, powder-coated RAL 9010 (pure white) with 4-point fixing.Leakage test for each casing.

Special characteristics
▪ Single casings can be flexibly combined into ceiling tiles
▪ Inclusion of filters with flat or fluid seals
▪ High operational reliability due to sealing integrity test facility
▪ Compact construction with internal measuring units
▪ Spigot with lip seal▪Easy assembly due to flexible suspension

Materials and surfaces
▪ Casing made of sheet steel, powder-coated RAL 9010 (purewhite)
▪ Diffuser face plate made of perforated sheet metal withperimeter return edge, powder-coated RAL 9010 (pure white)
▪ Optional stainless steel construction

TFM / 600 × 900

1 TypeTFM Particulate filter module 2 Nominal size [mm]600 × 600600 × 900600 × 1200


Nominal size600 × 900 mm


  • Dimensions
B [mm]L [mm]B × H × T [mm]M∅DOkg
600600535 × 535 × 7824830022
600900835 × 535 × 7831360027
60012001135 × 535 × 7834860034


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